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Version: v2.15.x LTS

Breaking Changes and Important Updates in Zowe v3

Breaking Changes and Important Updates in Zowe v3

The upcoming release of Zowe v3 will bring a range of major changes in Zowe functionality. Review this article for details about changes to various Zowe components to be introduced in Zowe v3.

API Mediation Layer (API ML)​

Breaking Changes to API ML​

  • Authentication endpoints will not support the route /api/v1/gateway, and instead will support only /gateway/api/v1
  • Spring Enabler will be updated to Spring Boot 3 and Spring 6. Spring Boot 2 and Spring 5 versions will no longer be supported.
  • Datasets API will be archived
  • Jobs API will be archived
  • Metrics service will be archived
  • IMS API will be archived
  • Java 17 will be required for the API Mediation Layer to run
  • z/OSMF in version V2R5 with APAR PH12143 applied
  • Configuration of keyrings will require transformation from safkeyring://// to safkeyring://

Important updates​

The current API Gateway contains Authentication and Authorization Services. This service will be separated as a standalone service. This is the only API Mediation Layer service that needs z/OS directly

Application Framework​

Breaking changes​

  • Updating Angular to Version 16 from Version 12
  • Removing the core-js dependency
  • Updating Webpack to version 5
  • Updating Typescript to 4.9


Breaking changes​

  • Introducing a new format for error messages to improve clarity
  • Removing V1 profile support
  • Removing deprecated items - CLI and Imperative

Pre-release availability​

  • V3 pre-release versions are available via npm under the 'next' tag

Explorer for Intellij​

Important updates​

  • Explorer for Intellij will be part of the Zowe Core
  • Working with USS Files
  • Working with Data Sets
  • Working with JES Working Sets
  • Interactive TSO Console

Explorer for Visual Studio Code​

Breaking changes​

  • Removing V1 profile support
  • Removing deprecated items - Explorer for VSCode
  • Changing profile creation menus
  • Storing extension settings in local storage

Important updates​

  • Storing persistent settings in local storage
  • Comparing files in MVS view, the USS view, and across the two views

Pre-release availability​

Installation and Packaging​

Breaking changes​

  • Dropping the original V2 configuration management, zowe.useConfigmgr=false. (The Configuration Manager remains as the only supported method for configuring Zowe)

Important updates​

  • Removing the dependency on Node.js for configuration
  • Introducing ZEN, a wizard to simplify configuration via the UI


Breaking changes​

  • Run by default in 64 bit mode, components.zss.agent.64bit=true. 31-bit plugins cannot run in 64-bit ZSS, so you need to compile your plugins for the version of ZSS to be used. Note that only one version of ZSS can run at a time.