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Version: v1.28.x LTS

Gathering information to troubleshoot Zowe Application Framework

Gathering information to troubleshoot Zowe Application Framework

Gather the following information to troubleshoot Zoweâ„¢ Application Framework issues:

z/OS release level​

To find the z/OS release level, issue the following command in SDSF:


Check the output for the release level, for example:

RELEASE z/OS 02.02.00

Zowe version and release level​

  cd <zowe-installation-directory>
cat manifest.json


Displays zowe version

"name": "Zowe",
"version": "1.2.0",
"description": "Zowe is an open source project created to host technologies that benefit the Z platform from all members of the Z community (Integrated Software Vendors, System Integrators and z/OS consumers). Zowe, like Mac or Windows, comes with a set of APIs and OS capabilities that applications build on and also includes some applications out of the box. Zowe offers modern interfaces to interact with z/OS and allows you to work with z/OS in a way that is similar to what you experience on cloud platforms today. You can use these interfaces as delivered or through plug-ins and extensions that are created by clients or third-party vendors.",
"license": "EPL-2.0",
"homepage": "",
"build": {
"branch": "master",
"number": 685,
"commitHash": "63efa85df629db474197ec8481db50021e8fdd65",
"timestamp": "1556733977010"

Log output from the Zowe Application Server​

There are two major components of Zowe application server: ZLUX and ZSS. They log to different files.

The default location for logs for both zlux and zss is folder $INSTANCE_DIR/logs, but can customize the log locations by using environment variables in $INSTANCE_DIR/instance.env

cat $INSTANCE_DIR/instance.env | grep ZLUX_NODE_LOG_DIR 
cat $INSTANCE_DIR/instance.env | grep ZSS_LOG_DIR

Read more about controlling the log location here.

# navigate to zowe instance logs folder
cd <zowe-instance-folder>/logs

# or if customized, navigate to the environment variable path

# list file by most recent first
ls -lt


List of files by most recent timestamp for both app-server as well ZSS.


Error message codes​

It is advisable to look into log files for capturing error codes. Warning messages contain the word "WARN", and errors contain "CRITICAL"

Javascript console output​

When the web UI such as the Zowe Desktop or Apps inside it have an issue, the root problem may originate from either server-side or browser-side behavior. In addition to the server logs, the browser logs should be gathered. They can be accessed by opening a browser's web developer toolkit. Most browsers allow this via pressing F12.

Read more about it here.

Screen captures​

If possible, add a screen capture of the issue.