Configuring z/OSMF for high availability in Sysplex
Configuring z/OSMF for high availability in Sysplex
z/OSMF high availability (HA) should be configured in Hot Standby mode to ensure availability of REST services. The goal of this configuration is to ensure that one z/OSMF server is always available to provide the REST services.
In Hot Standby mode, there is at least one backup (hot-standby) server and a preferred target server. Both targets are active, and both z/OSMF servers are bound to the DVIPA. The preferred z/OSMF server receives all new incoming requests. When the preferred z/OSMF server fails or the system becomes down, new requests are routed to the backup (hot-standby) server. The distributing DVIPA does not perform load balancing of requests across multiple systems. For more information, read the following articles in IBM Documentation:
Sysplex environment requirements​
Before you begin, ensure that the Sysplex environment meets the following requirements for z/OSMF REST services:
- Shared SAF database. See Sharing a database with sysplex communication in data sharing mode in IBM Documentation.
- USS Shared file system. See How to share file systems in a Sysplex in IBM Documentation.
- JESPlex/JES2 Multi-Access Spool (MAS) environment
- Sysplex distributor, configured Dynamic VIPA TCP/IP address
- Extended MCS console (EMCS)
Setting up z/OSMF nucleus​
This information is intended for a first-time z/OSMF setup. Follow these high-level steps to create a z/OSMF nucleus on your system.
For detailed information about each step, see Create a z/OSMF nucleus on your system in IBM Documentation.
Create the z/OSMF security authorizations by running the sample JCL SYS1.SAMPLIB(IZUSEC). z/OSMF security authorizations will be used by all z/OSMF servers across multiple systems.
Create a shared file system per z/OSMF server by running the sample JCL SYS1.SAMPLIB(IZUMKFS). It holds configuration settings and the persistence data.
Copy the Sample Parmlib Member SYS1.SAMPLIB(IZUPRM00) to PARMLIB and modify it according to requirements of z/OSMF HA parmlib member in Sysplex. Each system uses a different IZUPRMxx member. For example, IZUPRM0A and IZUPRM0B.
Copy the following z/OSMF procedures from SYS1.PROCLIB into your JES concatenation:
- IZUSVR1 (Each z/OSMF server should use the different started procedure. For example, IZUSVRA and IZUSVRB.)
Define different STARTED profiles for z/OSMF servers.