System requirements
System requirements
Before installing Zowe Chat, ensure that your target environment meets the prerequisites that are described in this article.
Zowe Chat must be able to communicate with the chat tool you plan to use. More information is provided in the network requirements section.
Linux system requirements
The chat server must meet the following requirements:
Operating System: Any Linux distribution (Linux or zLinux)
noteZowe Chat can only be deployed to Linux or zLinux environments now. z/OS support is pending further review. If you are interested in running Zowe Chat on z/OS, let us know by opening a question.
Processor count: 1
Memory: 4 GB
Disk space: 300 M
Node.js v16.x. Zowe Chat has not yet been tested with 14.x or 18.x.
If Node.js is not included out of the box in your Linux distribution, you must install it. To install Node.js, follow the instructions on the Node.js Download Page. It is recommended that you use a package manager as outlined here if possible.
Zowe CLI (Optional)
If you want to run Zowe CLI on Zowe Chat, you must install Zowe CLI on your Zowe Chat server. To install Zowe CLI, see Installing Zowe CLI.
z/OS system requirements
- IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) Version 2.3 or Version 2.4.
z/OSMF is included with z/OS so does not need to be separately installed. You must configure z/OSMF with REST APIs enabled because these APIs are used by Zowe Chat as data provider.
- For non-production use of Zowe Chat (such as development, proof-of-concept, demo), you can set up z/OSMF Lite. See Configuring z/OSMF Lite (non-production environment).
- For production use of Zowe Chat, see Configuring z/OSMF.
Network requirements
The following ports are required to run Zowe Chat. You can change the defaults as part of the Zowe Chat configuration. See the Configuring Zowe Chat topic for more detail.
Port number | Configuration file | Configuration field | Description |
7701 | $ZOWE_CHAT_HOME/config/chatServer.yaml | webapp.port | Used to host a web application required to login users |
7702 | $ZOWE_CHAT_HOME/config/chatTools/<mattermost | msteams | slack>.yaml | messagingApp.port | Used as the messaging endpoint by some chat tools. |