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Version: v2.11.x LTS


Advanced API Catalog features configuration

As a system programmer who wants to configure advanced API Catalog features of the API Mediation Layer, you can customize API Catalog parameters by modifying the zowe.yaml file.

Note: Restart Zowe to apply changes to the parameter.

Follow the procedures in the following sections to customize API Catalog parameters according to your preferences:

Hide service information​

  1. Open the file zowe.yaml.

  2. Configure the following properties:

    • apiml.catalog.hide.serviceInfo

      This parameter is used to hide the instance URL value of all services registered to the API ML in the API Catalog. This customization can be useful when the service owner does not want to expose sensitive information such as the hostname.

      Set the value of the *apiml.catalog.hide.serviceInfo parameter to true to hide the instance URL for all services registered to the API Catalog.

      In your Zowe YAML configuration (typically zowe.yaml), set this parameter by defining configs.apiml.catalog.hide.serviceInfo.

      Follow this example to define this parameter globally.


      serviceInfo: true

      An alternative is to define this parameter only for a high availability instance on lpar1.


      serviceInfo: true
  3. Restart Zowe.

API Catalog branding​

It is possible to customize the logotype and selected style options directly in zowe.yaml.

  1. Open the file zowe.yaml.

  2. Configure the following properties by setting them under ZWE_configs_apiml_catalog_customStyles:

    • logo
      Specifies the location of the logo that will replace the default Zowe logo in the API Catalog header. The supported image formats are: svg, png and jpg/jpeg.

    • titlesColor
      Specifies the title color.

    • fontFamily
      Specifies the font family to use across the API Catalog.

    • headerColor
      Specifies the HTML color of the header element in the API Catalog home page

    • backgroundColor
      Specifies the HTML color of the main background across the API Catalog

    • textColor
      Specifies the HTML color of the main text across the API Catalog

    • docLink
      Specifies a custom link to be displayed in the header. Use this property to refer to applicable documentation. The format is <link_name>|<link_url>
      Example: docLink: Custom Documentation|

      Follow this example to define this parameter globally.


      logo: /path/to/logo.png
      titlesColor: #F7190E
      fontFamily: Roboto
      headerColor: grey
      backgroundColor: #FFFFFF
      textColor: blue
      docLink: Custom Documentation|

      Properties in the example that are not set default to Zowe API Catalog css values.

  3. Restart Zowe.