All the available commands are listed in the COMMANDS section.
zowe ca7 commands <command>
Where <command> is one of the following:
- addrq | ar - Adds temporary user or predecessor job requirements
- cancel | c - Cancels a job request to CA 7
- demand | d - Demand a CA 7 job
- demandh | dh - Defines the name of the job being demanded and hold
- hold | h - Holds a job from moving forward to the next queue
- jclovrd | jo - Adds a permanent JCL override requirement for a CPU job
- post | po - Posts the requirement for a job
- prscf | pc - Frees a shared resource that belongs to a job
- prsqa | pq - Activates a co-requisite resource
- release | rl - Release or resumed for jobs or queues on hold
- requeue | rq - Re-queues CA 7 jobs
- resolv | rslv - The RESOLV command creates or modifies processing schedules for jobs that are to be scheduled on a date/time basis.
- restart | rs - Restart a job awaiting in the request queue
- rmtsub | rsub - Remote Subscribe to a CA 7 job
- rmttrk | rtrk - Defines a dependency on a remote CA 7 job.
- run | r - Run a CA 7 job
- runh | rh - Run a CA 7 job and place the job in hold status
- submit | sm - Modifies and expedites the jobs already residing in the queues
- subtm | st - Modifies the required submit time-of-day for a job in the request queue
- verify | v - Set the manual verification requirement for a job in the request queue