Specifies the local input file that contains a list of Db2 objects, separated by a semicolon, for which you want to generate DDL statements. Use the optional include syntax to include related Db2 objects.
<object-type> <object-name> [include(<related-object-type>,...)];
The required clause <object-type> <object-name> identifies the specific Db2 (base) object:
TABLESPACE <dbname.name>
TABLE <schema.name>
INDEX <schema.name>
VIEW <schema.name>
ALIAS <schema.name>
SYNONYM <schema.name>
MQT <schema.name>
SEQUENCE <schema.name>
TRIGGER <schema.name>
FUNCTION <schema.name[.version]>
PROCEDURE <schema.name[.version]>
The optional clause include(<related-object-type>,...) identifies one or more, comma separated related object types that you want to include in the generated DDL statements. You can specify STOGROUP, DATABASE, TABLESPACE, TABLE, INDEX, VIEW, SYNONYM, MQT-ALL, TRIGGER, ROUTINE, PARENTS, CHILDREN, and ALL.
table sysibm.systables include (tablespace, database, index);
database db1 include(children);
Note: The --object and --object-file options are mutually exclusive.