Update an IMS transaction.
zowe ims update transaction [name...] [options]
Positional Arguments
- The name of the transaction(s) to update. The maximum length of a transaction name is eight characters.
| --aocmd
Specifies the AOI option that you want to change (N, CMD, TRAN, Y).
Allowed values: N, CMD, TRAN, Y
| -c
- Selects the transactions associated with the specified class or classes to be updated.
| --cmtmode
Specifies when database updates and non-express output messages are committed (SNGL, MULT).
Allowed values: SINGLE, MODE
| --conv
| --cpri
- Specifies a new value for the current priority of a transaction.
| --dirroute
| --editrtn
- Specifies the 1- to 8-character name of your transaction input edit routine that edits messages before the program receives the message.
| --edituc
| --emhbsz
- Specifies the EMH buffer size required to run the Fast Path transaction.
| --exprtime
- Specifies the elapsed time in seconds that IMS can use to cancel the input transaction.
| --fp
| --inq
| --lct
- Specifies the limit count.
| --lpri
- Specifies the limit priority.
| -l
| --dclwa
| --maxrgn
- Specifies a new value for the maximum number of regions that can be simultaneously scheduled for a given transaction.
| --msgtype
Specifies the message type (single segment or multiple segment) (MULTSEG or SNGLSEG).
Allowed values: MULTSEG, SNGLSEG
| --mn
- Specifies the one- to eight-character name of the logical link path in a multiple IMS system configuration (MSC).
| --npri
- Specifies the normal scheduling priority.
| -o
| --parlim
- Specifies the parallel processing limit count.
| --pgm
- Specifies the name of the application program associated with the transaction.
| --plct
- Specifies the processing limit count.
| --plcttime
- Specifies the processing limit count time.
| -r
| --re
| --resp
| --rte
- Specifies the region(s) to route the command.
| --segno
- Specifies the segment number.
| --segsz
- Specifies the segment size.
| --sr
| --sc
- Specifies the transaction class, which is an attribute used to select a transaction for scheduling.
| --sidl
- Specifies the system identification (SYSID) of the local system in a multiple-IMS system (MSC) configuration.
| --sidr
- Specifies the system identification (SYSID) of the remote system in a multiple-IMS system (MSC) configuration.
| --spasz
- Specifies the scratchpad area (SPA) size, in bytes, for a conversational transaction. The value can be a number from 16 and 32767.
| --spatrunc
| --transtat
| --wfi
IMS Connection Options
| -H
- The IMS Operations API server host name.
| -P
- The IMS Operations API server port.
| --ich
- The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
| --icp
- The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
| -x
- The name of the IMS plex.
| -u
- The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
| --pass
- The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
| --bp
- The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
| --ru
Profile Options
Base Connection Options
| --tt
- The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
| --tv
- The value of the token to pass to the API.
(local file path)
- The file path to a certificate file to use for authentication
(local file path)
- The file path to a certificate key file to use for authentication
Response Format Options
| --rff
- Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single field/property or a list of a single field/property.
| --rft
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type (JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object). Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
| --rfh
- If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers in the output.
Update a transaction named TRN1 to process exclusively as Fast Path:
zowe ims update transaction "TRN1" --fp "E"
Unlock to allow scheduling all transactions beginning with TRN* and associated with class CLASSA:
zowe ims update transaction "TRN*" --class "CLASSA" --lock "OFF"
Set response mode on for transaction named TRN2 and associated with classes CLASS1 and CLASS2:
zowe ims update transaction "TRN2" --class "CLASS1 CLASS2" --resp "Y"
Update a transaction named TRN3 to process exclusively as Fast Path routing to control regions IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims update transaction "TRN3" -fp "E" --route "IMS1 IMS2"
Associate PGM1 with transaction named TRN4 specifying optional connection parameters:
zowe ims update transaction "TRN4" --pgm "PGM1" --user "username" --pass "pass1234" --host "localhost" --port 8080 --ich "zos1" --icp 9999 --plex "PLEX1"