The endevor profile schema, where you specify your endevor session information and credentials
Warning: This command has been deprecated.
Recommended replacement: The 'config init' command
zowe profiles create endevor-profile <profileName> [options]
Positional Arguments
- Specifies the name of the new endevor profile. You can load this profile by using the name on commands that support the "--endevor-profile" option.
| --hostname
- The hostname of the endevor session
| -p
- The port number of the endevor session
| --username
- The username of the endevor session
| --pass
| --prot
The protocol used for connecting to Endevor Rest API
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
| --bp
| --ru
- If set, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied CAs
| --rd
| --ow
- Overwrite the endevor profile when a profile of the same name exists.
| --dd
- Disable populating profile values of undefined properties with default values.
Create an endevor profile called 'ndvrSample' to connect to Endevor web services at host ndvr123 and port 8080,using http protocol, with / EndevorService/api/v2 base path, allowing self-signed certificates:
zowe profiles create endevor-profile ndvrSample --host ndvr123 --port 8080 --user ibmuser --password myp4ss --prot http --base-path EndevorService/api/v2 --reject-unauthorized false