Configuration profile for Spool, where you specify information about your Spool instance
Warning: This command has been deprecated.
Recommended replacement: The 'config init' command
zowe profiles create omspool-profile <profileName> [options]
Positional Arguments
- Specifies the name of the new omspool profile. You can load this profile by using the name on commands that support the "--omspool-profile" option.
Global options
| --rfj
- Produce JSON formatted data from a command
| -h
- Display examples for all the commands in a group
| --hw
- Display HTML help in browser
Create a profile for Spool named 'myProfile' with TSO account information '1234567890', Spool installation high level qualifier of 'SPOOL.HLQ', subsystem name 'ESF1', output response data set 'OUTPUT.RESPONSE.DS', and data set 'USER.CLIST', containing ESFZOWE REXX exec:
zowe profiles create omspool-profile myProfile --account 1234567890 --spoolhlq SPOOL.HLQ --subsys ESF1 --outds OUTPUT.RESPONSE.DS --clist USER.CLIST