The dbm-db2 profile is a named set of DBM Data Service parameters that are implicitly used with the zowe dbm-db2 commands. The profile includes server connection, z/OS execution, and user-dependent details.
Warning: This command has been deprecated.
Recommended replacement: The 'config set' command
zowe profiles update dbm-db2-profile <profileName> [options]
Positional Arguments
- Specifies the name of the new dbm-db2 profile. You can load this profile by using the name on commands that support the "--dbm-db2-profile" option.
dbm-db2 Common Options
| --jc
- Specifies a string array of z/OS JCL JOB statements.
| --wdp
- Specifies the prefix that is used as the high level qualifier in z/OS work data set names.
| -a
- Specifies the primary Db2 authorization ID (user ID) that is used to establish a connection between Db2 and a process.
| -s
- Specifies the authorization ID that is used as the value in generated SET CURRENT SQLID statements most of the time.
| --tc
- Specifies the SQL termination character that you want to use to terminate object DDL for triggers, XML indexes, functions, and procedures that contain embedded semicolon-terminated SQL statements. You cannot use a comma, an underscore, a single quote, double quotes, left parentheses, or right parentheses for this value.
| --oof
- Specifies whether to overwrite output files when they already exist.
dbm-db2 Connection Options
| -H
- Specifies the DBM Data Service REST API server host name or TCP/IP address to use.
| -P
- Specifies the DBM Data Service REST API server TCP/IP port number.
| -u
- Specifies the mainframe user name that you want to use to connect to the mainframe systems during execution of the Zowe CLI commands. This user name can be the same as your TSO login ID.
| --pass
| --pw
- Specifies the mainframe password for the user name that is used to connect to the mainframe systems during execution of the CLI commands. This password can be the same as your TSO password.
| --ru
- Determines whether the dbm-db2 command is accepted or rejected when a self-signed certificate is returned by the DBM Data Service.
Specifies the communication protocol to use between the zowe dbm-db2 client and the DBM Data Service.
Allowed values: http, https
| --el
- Specifies an object of one or more values consisting of a Db2 subsystem ID and a DBM Data Service environment pair. The paired entry identifies the DBM Data Service environment to use for a subsystem that is accessible through multiple DBM Data Service environments. For more information about configuring the DBM Data Service, see the Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS documentation at
Update a dbm-db2 profile named profile_name1 with a new work data set prefix:
zowe profiles update dbm-db2-profile profile_name1 --work-dataset-prefix NEWPREFX.DDL
Update a dbm-db2 profile named dbm123 with a new username and password:
zowe profiles update dbm-db2-profile dbm123 --user newuser --password newp4ss
Update a dbm-db2 profile named dbm124 with a new environment list. Existing subsystem SUBA will be updated with a new hostname "host4" and subsystem SUBC will be added to the list:
zowe profiles update dbm-db2-profile dbm124 --environment-list ","
Update a dbm-db2 profile named dbm125 with new job cards:
zowe profiles update dbm-db2-profile dbm125 --job-cards "//NEWJOBNM JOB (123456789)," "// CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),"