Configuration profile for Spool, where you specify information about your Spool instance
Warning: This command has been deprecated.
Recommended replacement: The 'config set' command
zowe profiles update omspool-profile <profileName> [options]
Positional Arguments
- Specifies the name of the new omspool profile. You can load this profile by using the name on commands that support the "--omspool-profile" option.
Global options
| --rfj
- Produce JSON formatted data from a command
| -h
- Display examples for all the commands in a group
| --hw
- Display HTML help in browser
Update the TSO account information to '3213213210' for Spool profile named 'myProfile':
zowe profiles update omspool-profile myProfile --account 3213213210
Update high level qualifier of the Spool installation to 'SPOOL.HLQ' for Spool profile named 'myProfile':
zowe profiles update omspool-profile myProfile --spoolhlq SPOOL.HLQ
Update the Spool subsystem name to 'ESF2' for Spool profile named 'myProfile':
zowe profiles update omspool-profile myProfile --subsys ESF2
Update the output response data set to 'OUTPUT.RESPONSE.DS.NEW' for Spool profile named 'myProfile':
zowe profiles update omspool-profile myProfile --outds OUTPUT.RESPONSE.DS.NEW
Update the data set containing ESFZOWE REXX exec to 'USER.CLIST' for Spool profile named 'myProfile':
zowe profiles update omspool-profile myProfile --clist USER.CLIST