View content from a z/OS data set on your terminal (stdout).
zowe zos-files view data-set <dataSetName> [options]
Positional Arguments
- The name of the data set you want to display.
| -b
- Transfer the file content in binary mode (no EBCDIC to ASCII conversion).
| --ec
- Transfer the file content with encoding mode, which means that data conversion is performed using the file encoding specified.
| -r
- Transfer the file content in record mode, which means that no data conversion is performed and the record length is prepended to the data. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without translation. No delimiters are added between records. Conflicts with binary.
| --vs
- The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
| -R
- The range of records to return in either of SSS-EEE where SSS is the start and EEE is the end of records or SSS,NNN where is is the start and NNN is the number of records retrieved.
| --rto
- The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
| -H
- The z/OSMF server host name.
| -P
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
| -u
- Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
| --pass
| --pw
- Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
| --ru
| --bp
- The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
(local file path)
- The file path to a certificate file to use for authentication
(local file path)
- The file path to a certificate key file to use for authentication
Profile Options
Base Connection Options
View the contents of the data set member "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)":
zowe zos-files view data-set "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)"
View the contents of the data set member "ibmuser.test.loadlib(main)" in binary mode:
zowe zos-files view data-set "ibmuser.test.loadlib(main)" --binary
View only the first two lines of content for data set member "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)":
zowe zos-files view data-set "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)" --range 0,2
View only lines six through eight (zero-based) in the contents of the data set member "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)":
zowe zos-files view data-set "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)" --range 5-7